Music to Quarantine To Pt. 2

Throughout the pandemic, especially, creating playlists and discovering new music has been hugely helpful and cathartic for me. So in light of this, I’ve created Part 2 of my quarantine playlist (you can find Part 1 here). My hope is that maybe this playlist will help any of you who may be going through stress and anxiety right now, or who even just want to discover some new songs. So you can get in the zone, immerse yourself in your feelings, dance along, sing along, or decompress — whatever you need. Above all else, be sure to be kind to yourself.

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Summer Playlist

Though many of my favourite artists have typically been creators coming from diverse backgrounds, lately I have been trying to make more of a conscious effort to discover more BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ voices, and discover more art created by marginalized groups in general. It’s imperative that the momentum from the #BlackLivesMatter protests and presence on social media is continued and does not die down, because we are nowhere close to being finished fighting the fight. In the continual aim of amplifying melanated voices, I’ve created a “Summer Jams” playlist on Spotify that predominantly includes songs from some incredible BIPOC and queer musical artists!

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Valentine’s Day Playlist

While Valentine’s Day may have come and gone already, that doesn’t mean the aura of love and appreciation has to disappear. And for those of you thinking that this sentiment is only geared towards those in romantic relationships, think again: Valentine’s day is a day to celebrate all kinds of love, whether it’s platonic, familial, or romantic. It’s no secret that Valentine’s Day is a Hallmark holiday, predominantly created for capitalist purposes (think of how much money industries make on this holiday, as gifts range from cheap chocolates to expensive electronics or jewelry). While I don’t necessarily agree with the…

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5 Best Podcasts to Check Out: Mental Health Awareness Edition

May is Mental Health Awareness month. This month, we’re actively pushing ourselves to branch out and check out new media, be it books, shows, music, podcasts or film, that centre around mental health awareness and the destigmatization of mental illness. Today’s post is a bit of a First Impressions post: I’m highlighting five podcasts that I’ve only heard an episode or two from, that I’m looking forward to completing. These are podcasts that actively centre on mental health and illness as its subject matter, and do so in vastly different ways. Most importantly, these podcasts emphasize an importance on recognizing…

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Release Radar Playlist

One of the many reasons why I’m a die hard Spotify fan is because it puts together new music for you based on your specific tastes. Using some magical algorithms that are beyond my personal understanding, there’s a playlist you can access on your account called “Release Radar“. This personalized list is based on the artists and genres you already follow, often including new or newish songs that adhere to your taste, and changes every few weeks. The amazing thing is that “Release Radar” often also includes artists that I don’t know, exposing me to different talents every time. Essentially,…

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A Heavy Heart Playlist

There is something very simple, yet profoundly huge, about the power of music: it can help us heal. Even amidst the most devastating of heartbreaks, music can be an enigmatically visceral form of therapy. Listening to “break-up” songs (though of course, heartbreak can be the result of so many more things other than break ups) can be incredibly cathartic. As someone who tends to keep their emotions inside too often, listening to music is one of emotional outlets. Whatever you’re going through – romantic plights, issues with family, your job, your life, your friends, your own mental health, anything –…

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