Review Policy

If you are an author or a publishing house, we are always happy to accept books and in return consider writing a review on AvidBards.

Any review we do will always be 100% honest. While we greatly appreciate getting copies of books from authors, we cannot agree to reviews being fabricated for the sake of positive publicity. This includes letting our readers know that we have received the book from the author in exchange for a review.

We enjoy both fiction and non-fiction, all that we require is that it has an element of storytelling in it!

All posts that we write are promoted on our social media platforms. These include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Goodreads. Let us know if you have any issues with publicising on one or more of these platforms. If not, and you feel comfortable doing so, let us know your handle on the platforms you use and we will tag you in the posts.

For the time being, we are only accepting hard copies of books to review. We apologise for any inconvenience and hope it does not deter you from wanting to work with us.

If you would like to work with AvidBards through a sponsorship, request a book review, or collaborate with us in some manner, please get in touch at