
Welcome to our corner of the internet! AvidBards is the brainchild of writers and bloggers, Zahrah Ahmad and Scheherazade Khan! We’re two voracious consumers of all things story telling: Films, books, TV shows and even the occasional music video.

Obsessed with all forms of art that tell a story, this blog came together after many lengthy conversations regarding the Book, Movie and TV Show worlds. After years, the talk was finally condensed into a single entity, this blog. This is where all our reviews, opinions and forays into the critical depths of the story world come together.

AvidBards aims to bring together elements of storytelling in the arts and cultural world, bringing a critical analyses and perspective to films, TV shows, books and music.

Zahrah Ahmad is a 27 year old artist and copywriter, living in Toronto, Canada. She finished her undergraduate degree from the University of Toronto, and has an obsession with Michael Fassbender and all things Chris Evans. Halloween is her favourite holiday and she loves an opportunity to dress up as a character from a film or TV show. Her past costumes have included Tony Stark, Imperator Furiosa, Gamora, Scar and Shego from Kim Possible.

Scheherazade Khan is a 27 year old freelance proofreader and editor living in Edinburgh, Scotland. Having done her undergraduate at the University of Toronto, she then went on to complete a Masters of Science from the University of Edinburgh and has remained there to undertake a PhD. You can often find her in a stylish coffee shop, drinking some tea or coffee, reading a good book or writing for the blog for hours on end. She loves all things comic books and superheroes and can happily chat your ear off about it.

AvidBards was named after the term for one who recites stories, often to music. This blog features reviews, opinions and thoughts regarding art that tells a story. It includes books, movies, TV shows and the occasional music video.

We hope you enjoy this blog as much as we enjoy writing it!

If you would like to work with us, please see our Review Policy and feel free to contact us at avidbards@gmail.com

~S & Z~