We can’t believe it’s already May! These last few months have been odd, to say the least, for everyone around the world. Whether you are living in a place that is currently on lockdown or have been practicing social distancing, the “new norm” that many of us are dealing with hasn’t been any easy one. I admit that even for me, though I spend all my time at home currently, some days I’m less motivated than I’ve ever felt before. Self-isolation can be incredibly anxiety-inducing, which in itself can be mentally and physically exhausting.
That said, I’m feeling much more hopeful these days. While things in my professional life are about to slow down, I’m looking forward to using my upcoming free time to refocus on some of the personal projects that have unfortunately taken the back seat for the last few months. For example, both S & I want to get back into posting on AvidBards more regularly (because we truly love sharing our thoughts and opinions with all of you, despite not always having the time to do so as much as we would like!). Though this isn’t an easy time to grapple with by any means, I truly believe there is no one way to deal with it. Getting to a place where I felt motivated again took a long time, and I have no notions of it being a linear process, but as it stands I’m feeling encouraged and excited for what comes next.
One of the methods I’ve been using to keep me focused lately is having a solid playlist going in the background while I work. Though I love almost any and every genre of music, I personally find I need more calming and relaxing tunes (which means they are often slower in pace, or alternatively, mesmerizing in their rhythm and tone if they are faster) to help keep me in the zone of productivity. While I know this may not be a preference for everyone, I’ve come up with a playlist of songs that I like to have playing in the background when I’m working. From lo-fi beats to alternative, instrumentals to laid-back R&B, this playlist (like all my other playlists) is a mish-mash of various genres.
If you find you’ve exhausted your current playlists and are looking for some new songs to accompany your quarantine activities, check out my Spotify playlist below.
Stay safe, healthy, and happy, everyone, and let us know which songs and musical artists you’re enjoying these days!
~ Z ~
Image by Alphacolor on Unsplash