Music to Quarantine To

We can’t believe it’s already May! These last few months have been odd, to say the least, for everyone around the world. Whether you are living in a place that is currently on lockdown or have been practicing social distancing, the “new norm” that many of us are dealing with hasn’t been any easy one. I admit that even for me, though I spend all my time at home currently, some days I’m less motivated than I’ve ever felt before. Self-isolation can be incredibly anxiety-inducing, which in itself can be mentally and physically exhausting. That said, I’m feeling much more…

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Roadtrip Playlist

Over the weekend, I took a road trip with one of my friends from Montreal to New Hampshire. For anyone unfamiliar with their North American geography, that is a six-hour car ride, not including bathroom breaks. That is a long time to be stuck in a car for anyone. So, what do you do to make the time pass faster. If you’re with someone else, there’s always the option of books or magazines, but as someone who is prone to motion sickness I tend to avoid reading in cars. Instead, I prefer audiobooks. But as we all know, sometimes the…

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