How ‘Westworld’ Season 3 Exceeded Expectations

While “Westworld” started off on an incredibly strong note, many (including myself) thought that Season 2 didn’t deliver with the same impact that Season 1 did. Here’s my breakdown of each season’s comparative strengths and weaknesses, and why Season 3 ultimately exceeded my expectations.

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Non-English Shows I Binged on Netflix

Growing up in a non-English speaking country, I was exposed to multiple languages from a very early age. Because of that, films and TV in different languages is something I have been exposed to all of my life. But, perhaps ignorantly on my part, I did not realise that language was something that would turn people off from watching certain things. Maybe because they do not like the idea of subtitles or that some shows or films do not have dubbed versions (not my personal preference but to each their own). However, there have been so many excellent, binge-able shows…

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Good Omens: The Importance of Canonizing Queerness

Good Omens truly is a delight. The mini-series, based on Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s 1990 novel of the same name, came out in 2019. Starring the brilliant David Tennant and Michael Sheen, who are both powerhouse actors and absolute chameleons in whichever role they take on, play a demon and angel, respectively. At its core, the show is about an unlikely/forbidden friendship that is struck up between the two over a span of six centuries, and who secretly work together to put a stop to the Apocalypse which is set to happen in current day. That is Good Omens…

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The Fall: Is it Feminist?

I am definitely late to the game on this one having just finished the BBC, British-Irish series The Fall this week! I knew that I wanted to talk about the series but I was at a loss of what exactly to talk about until I saw the ratings for the show. The three series tense thriller had people falling over themselves to binge watch the first series back in 2013, but by its finale in 2016, reactions to it had shifted. The recent addition of the show on Netflix UK has had many people obsessed (and thoroughly creeped out), bingeing it within a few days, myself included, a change of tune from 2016. So, what happened?

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How ‘Bojack Horseman’ Achieved The Impossible

BoJack Horseman, whose final season aired in January 2020, is now known for its legacy as one of the best animated shows of all time (and to me, is one of the best TV shows period). While some may argue whether or not it really is “the best”, one thing is certain: BoJack Horseman is a show that explores the human condition brilliantly. Namely because it does so in a way that brings the hardest truths about humanity to the forefront while injecting a bitingly self-aware sense of humour into it all. It’s a show that never goes down the easy, “tied up in a neat little bow” route, as it is determined to show audiences every nuanced aspect of its tragicomedic nature. Today, I’ll be reflecting on how BoJack Horseman wrapped up its epically thought-provoking show in its final season.

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Doom Patrol: Humanizing Heroism

Doom Patrol, one of the latest TV show additions to the DC Universe, is dark, witty, and surprisingly poignant. If you haven’t heard of it, I wouldn’t be surprised: it wasn’t on my radar either until someone I knew told me to drop everything and watch it immediately.

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