5 Best Science Fiction Shows to Watch on a Sick Day

This time of the year is notorious for bringing in the worst kinds of germs. While we’re desperately waiting for spring to arrive and don our lighter jackets in the hopes that we can will warmer weather our way, we prime ourselves for catching that final bug of the season. You cannot get through a single bus ride without hearing incessant sniffling or muffled coughs. And just when you think you have evaded the misery of a cold or flu, someone sneezes on you while you’re riding the subway and you know, with an impending sense of doom, that there…

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Rise of the Anti-Hero

SPOILER ALERT – The Punisher Season 1 Antihero: a central character in a story, movie, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes. The popularity of the antihero is not a particularly new concept. Having a main character that is undeniably flawed has always been appealing. Think James Bond, Magneto, Jay Gatsby, or reflecting to Shakespeare’s time, Macbeth, Hamlet, or Othello. In more recent media there’s Deadpool, Rick Grimes, or Dexter Morgan. So, what are the features that make these characters so compelling? To start, it’s worth noting that a markedly imperfect, morally ambiguous character is often a more two-dimensional one.…

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