The Resurrection of Thor

Prior to the release of Thor: Ragnorak, the hunky, sun-kissed character had unfortunately become quite a bore. Not only was the God of Thunder a flop in his own sequel Thor: The Dark World (2013) but similarly, in Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Thor was nothing more than an empty shell of a character. A harsh opinion, maybe, but unfortunately one shared by many. The third installment of the Thor movies proves that this sentiment was also shared by both the actor and the director, as Thor: Ragnorak instilled in the series a completely fresh tone, courtesy of director Taika…

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Rise of the Anti-Hero

SPOILER ALERT – The Punisher Season 1 Antihero: a central character in a story, movie, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes. The popularity of the antihero is not a particularly new concept. Having a main character that is undeniably flawed has always been appealing. Think James Bond, Magneto, Jay Gatsby, or reflecting to Shakespeare’s time, Macbeth, Hamlet, or Othello. In more recent media there’s Deadpool, Rick Grimes, or Dexter Morgan. So, what are the features that make these characters so compelling? To start, it’s worth noting that a markedly imperfect, morally ambiguous character is often a more two-dimensional one.…

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Jumanji: A successful sequel – Shocker!

For most of Canada, January was a cold one! And those winter days are often the best time to duck into cinema to avoid the onslaught of cold winds and snow on one’s face. The warmth of the theatre and the familiarity of comfort food like popcorn and nachos making us feel comfy. Anyone who lives in Toronto knows that this week brought back the cold and snow, so the cinema seemed like a good escape from the dreariness. But the real question is what does one watch in this kind of weather? What is worth the $15 – $20…

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