Best Release 2018: Music

Origins by Imagine Dragons: Honesty and Transparency in Music We’ve hit the final instalment of our Best Release 2018 series and we’re coming in hot with our music album choice: Origins by Imagine Dragons. The fourth studio album by the band, Origins was released at the tail end of the year, on November 9, 2018. This album has been one of the most innovative and exciting releases in music this year for me! This new album was a relative surprise as it came out a little over a year after the band’s last album Evolve. Typically in the music world,…

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Best Release 2018: Book

I didn’t accomplish my ’52 Books in 2018′ reading challenge! So what? It’s a New Year! And as such, my mind is perhaps unsurprisingly occupied with reflections of the past year. One such reflection that I’ve been thinking about a lot is the notion of challenges and goals. Specifically reading challenges. As an avid reader, I had never set a book goal before 2018, as I always had a book on the go. As such, I was never worried about how much I was reading. 2018 was the first year that I ever embarked on such a goal. Bringing in…

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Benefits of Reading on Personal Growth

How Reading Has Taught Me Patience One of my biggest struggles has always been a desire for the outcome/end product to be immediate. Whenever I set goals I tend to end up dedicated an insane (and unhealthy) amount of time to it right from the beginning and try to achieve it all at once in the shortest amount of time. It has lead to a lot of frustration, and anxiety at times. Similarly, when those goals or habits that I was working towards don’t end up sticking (as is obviously going to be the case) I end up with a…

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Christmas Playlist

We’ve made playlists for so many different events and times of the year so you know that we were going to be coming to you with a Christmas playlist as well! Christmas for both Z and I is an interesting time of the year. Though we’ve both grown up in the west, culturally neither of us celebrate the holiday. So, while this season always came with guaranteed time off from school, it was not quite the festive occasion that it was for some of our friends. What I’ve come to love about the season has been developed from observing from…

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The Benefits of Dream Interpretation

Book Review: The Curious Dreamer’s Dream Dictionary  Author: Nancy Wagaman        Rating:⭐⭐⭐⭐/5      IBSN:978-0-9985459-3-9 “The moment you wake up from a dream, you already know what it means. The answers lie deep within your consciousness where the dream and its symbolism were created, right where you left them when you woke up.” Have you ever woken up from a dream in utter confusion, questioning what on earth was going on in your head while you were asleep? This is essentially how I feel every night. Dreams remain an elusive part of our psyche. Often you hear that dreams are trying to…

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Only Human (Book Three of the Themis Files)

“We’re not heroes. No one is. Every movie we watch, every book we read, we see people who can solve every problem, face every danger all on their own. But in real life, Vincent, we just call the cops. That’s what I did.” Only Human* Author: Sylvain Neuvel             ⭐⭐⭐.5                      Publisher: Penguin I have been meaning to get to this book review for weeks now, having finished the book in September, and even featuring it in my September Reads. However, the full review just never seemed to want to get written. After some pondering, I realised why that was. I wasn’t…

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