Book Lovers Gift Guide 2018

Book Lovers Gift Guide 2018

What to get the book lover in your life!

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We’re coming up to that time of the year again where you will inevitably be stressing about all the gifts that you need to get for people before Christmas and the New Year come around. As if thinking about the sheer number of gifts you need to plan for isn’t hard enough, the thought of facing the crowded shops and never-ending Christmas ballads sends a chill down your spine. And to top it all off, you have absolutely no clue what to get that book lover in your life, since their nose doesn’t come out of a book long enough for them to tell you something.

Well fear not! This is where I come in. I have gathered a list of great bookish gifts for that book obsessed person in your life that they will be thrilled to receive.

Page Anchors

I found out about these earlier this year when I started seeing them all over Instagram. One of the most aesthetic book related purchases I have ever made, the Page Anchor is actually highly functional and one of the best gifts you can buy. Simultaneously practical and luxurious looking, the Page Anchor gives you the ability to keep the page open hands free so that your hands are free enough to grip onto a hot cup of tea, coffee or even a nice big glass of wine. Available in gold, rose gold, silver and matte black, you can also grab a book tote with your purchase.

Custom Book Stamp

Image from RedCloudStudio Etsy Store.

When I was younger, while other kids would be pretending to be cowboys or policemen, my game of choice was playing librarian. Perhaps it was the book lover side of me coming through even then, and so many of my early books feature my scribbles where I claimed ownership of them and noted who had them and when they were taken. When I saw this custom books stamp, my inner child just about squealed for joy. Coming with both black ink and gold embossing stickers, this is a beautiful gift and wonderful reminder of the gift giver every time it is used.

AvidBards designed Bookmarks

How can you have a book gift guide for book lovers without including some chic bookmarks. I’ll be honest, I have been dog-earring my books for as long as I can remember, but having beautiful bookmarks makes me excited to use them and break my bad habits. These selection were designed by myself and feature three quotes about books and reading, graphically designed. Simultaneously chic and functional, this is a lovely idea for a stocking filler.

Book Subscriptions

Image from Book of the Month website

Book subscriptions are the gifts that keep on giving. Beauty boxes and even meal subscription boxes have become so popular recently, and for good reason! They provide both ease and the excitement of something new. The same can be said for book subscriptions, and there are so many different kinds out there. If you are someone who struggles to find books set in different parts of the world, Capsule Books is for you! Shipping every three months, every box comes with three fiction novels set in a country determined by the capsule of your choice. Currently they feature three capsules, Japan, Italy and France. If you know someone who blows through their books very quickly, Book of the Month is a monthly subscription box where the company curates five books with an emphasis on well reviewed, new releases, debut authors and fresh perspectives. They also have a holiday offer where shipping is free if you buy it as a gift!

Bibliophile: An Illustrated Miscellany

The perfect coffee table book, illustrator Jane Mount, the founder of the Ideal Bookshelf, has created another incredible and beautiful book. Described as “a love letter to all things bookish”, Bibliophile features a look at bookshops from around the world, samples famous book meals, and provides endless inspiration and bookish facts and recommendations. And if that doesn’t suit your desires, the Ideal Bookshelf shop have some adorable literary pins and totes perfect to gift the book lover in your life!

Hope this list gives you somewhere to start in coming up with the perfect gift for those bookish people in your life!


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