The Family Complex: “This Is Us”

If you know anything about the NBC show This Is Us, you’ll know that it’s an acclaimed tearjerker. I’m slightly embarrassed that even I, who rarely cries during a movie or show, cry constantly when I watch this show. Somehow, it surpasses the level of corniness often associated with emotional dramas and actually touches something real, coming from a genuine place no matter how far-fetched the premise might be. Because ultimately, yes, it is about a specific family (hence the title) – exceedingly unique, and yet, surprisingly relatable. The fact of the matter is that all families are flawed, and…

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5 Best Shows To Put You In A Good Mood

One of the beauties of television and film is that there are so many genres to choose from – comedy, drama, horror, thriller, romance, the list goes on. And while we love a good intense, dark show, there are also times when all you need is to have your spirits lifted. Here’s a list of five T.V. shows that are great to either binge watch, or just catch an episode of, whenever you feel the need to escape to a happier place. Brooklyn 99 Fans of the show know that there was a recent cancellation hoopla surrounding it, but thankfully…

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Why the Gilmore Girls Revival was Disappointing

For all those Gilmore Girls fans out there, it’s needless to say that upon news of the revival entitled A Year in the Life (2016), we were all excited. Excited to see what the lives of Lorelai, Rory, and all the other characters of in their world had brought them nearly ten years later. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that revivals or reunions of shows can never quite embody the greatness of an original, but I’m sad to say that I was quite disappointed by the revival. Sure, it satisfied a part of me to see these beloved characters…

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Spring TV List

In the age of Netflix and countless other streaming services, sometimes I find it hard to organize my thoughts in terms of what movies or shows I should be watching (I know, first world problems, right?). Oftentimes, out of pure laziness, I end up flipping through episodes of a show I’ve already watched hundreds of times due to the sheer convenience of it, even though there are tons of shows I haven’t seen that I plan to watch. In order to rectify this and add a little organization to the overwhelming nature of the influx of shows, I’ve created a…

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“Black Mirror”: U.K. vs U.S.

If any of you have watched the show Black Mirror, created by Charlie Brooker, you know it’s not a show to watch when you want something light-hearted. That’s not to say it’s not incredible: in fact, I find it to be one of the most pertinent and poignant television series of our time. The concept and structure is not entirely revolutionary; in fact, it is often described as a modern day twist on The Twilight Zone, utilizing both its anthology structure and suspenseful nature. Black Mirror maintains its consistency by having one key concept at its core: it looks at…

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