5 Best Environmental Disaster Movies

Spring is finally here and it has been pouring down with rain recently, some days with apocalyptic tenacity. I am one of those very bizarre people who absolutely loves it when it rains. I like being inside seeing it coming down so hard I can hear it on the roof, getting cosy with a book or a movie. I like being outside in it too, smelling the freshly soaked grass, and the little pinpricks of cold as the rain lands on your head and hands. But I must admit that it starts to get a little worrisome when the rain…

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Jumanji: A successful sequel – Shocker!

For most of Canada, January was a cold one! And those winter days are often the best time to duck into cinema to avoid the onslaught of cold winds and snow on one’s face. The warmth of the theatre and the familiarity of comfort food like popcorn and nachos making us feel comfy. Anyone who lives in Toronto knows that this week brought back the cold and snow, so the cinema seemed like a good escape from the dreariness. But the real question is what does one watch in this kind of weather? What is worth the $15 – $20…

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