5 Best Guilty Pleasure Shows

As much as I love to watch shows and films that are considered truly artful and thought-provoking, I love just as much to sit down and mindlessly watch what might be considered “bad” television. Of course, the term “bad” is completely subjective, so I should really be saying that some shows are perhaps not of the best quality in terms of content, continuity, and let’s just throw it out there, acting. There’s something incredibly relaxing about not having to focus too much on the details of a show, though, which make these “guilty pleasure” shows so great. Here are five…

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Spring TV List

In the age of Netflix and countless other streaming services, sometimes I find it hard to organize my thoughts in terms of what movies or shows I should be watching (I know, first world problems, right?). Oftentimes, out of pure laziness, I end up flipping through episodes of a show I’ve already watched hundreds of times due to the sheer convenience of it, even though there are tons of shows I haven’t seen that I plan to watch. In order to rectify this and add a little organization to the overwhelming nature of the influx of shows, I’ve created a…

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