5 Books on Mental Health I Want to Read

I’ve made it a point this year to branch out and read books on different topics. It can be so easy to fall into a particular genre of books and never branch out. Particularly when, if you are like me, working or studying, or doing both full time, and reading becomes your get away from the stress of everything else. You get comfortable in a particular genre that you know is exciting and enjoyable, that forcing yourself to find something new can be daunting. Additionally, my case, a part of me gets scared that I am going to be disappointed…

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Why Re-Reading is a Good Thing

Finding yourself in a funk? Six months into the year and forgetting all your New Year’s Resolutions? You and me both! We are officially half way through the year, and as it tends to be, most of us have fallen off our resolutions. Typical. Whether it be going to the gym, reading, eating, or creativity related, by this point in the year life just catches up to us and keeping up with those pesky resolutions seems impossible. Worse than that, trying to find the motivation for them can sometimes be even more difficult. And that’s where I am finding myself…

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