Giving Jane Austen a Chance

How many times have you heard something along the lines of “Jane Austen’s books are girly”, or met people that believe Austen’s books are only geared towards female readers? If you haven’t heard such a thing, then consider yourself lucky, because I’ve heard it too many times. The problem with making such a sweeping generalization is that it gives a completely false and reductive summarization Austen’s works, as well as fostering toxic sexist notions (eg. that it would be emasculating for a male to read Austen). In actuality, Jane Austen has written some of the most feminist-fuelled, challenging, satirical, and…

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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Ponderings about Social Media

I have been drawn to re-reading some of the classics lately and one that I decided on was the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. And this time, I decided to go with the audiobook version of it read by Richard Armitage. For those of you unfamiliar with the novella, the story follows a lawyer by the name of Gabriel Utterson who comes to hear of a violent man Mr. Hyde committing a series of heinous crimes and is somehow under the protection of the highly respectable Dr. Jekyll. As the story unfolds, we…

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5 Ways to Enjoy Books this Summer!

The days are getting longer, the heat is starting to creep in and the sun is finally coming out! Finally! It sure has taken its sweet time. And now all I want to do is spend as much time as I can outside, enjoying everything that I missed throughout this long winter. And because of that, I almost feel guilty spending any time reading during the summer. For avid readers like myself this is a conundrum I face every year. How to still get time to read and make the most of summer before the cold of winter sets in…

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