International Women’s Day Recommendation List

Happy International Women’s Day! Being as we are two women who run this blog, we are very unsurprisingly huge advocates of female representation and celebration. Too often we find ourselves writing posts about the lack of women in many fields of the media. Recently we talked about the lack of female creators and actors at the Oscars, along with a generally dismal lack of diversity of any type.  Though we are resistant to the idea of reserving the recognition and acknowledgment deserving by women to just one day, we are not opposed to using the opportunity to spam the world…

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5 Best Books to Take on Vacation

While it’s coming to the end of summer and most people are probably headed back to work or school now, I am getting my first (and last) proper vacation for this summer and gearing off for a road trip to the South of France tomorrow and you best believe that I am so excited to be getting some much deserved R&R. And while that will definitely include my favourite road trip tunes, part of that for me definitely includes time to delve into a good book. The art of choosing a book for vacation is just a important and special…

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Giving Jane Austen a Chance

How many times have you heard something along the lines of “Jane Austen’s books are girly”, or met people that believe Austen’s books are only geared towards female readers? If you haven’t heard such a thing, then consider yourself lucky, because I’ve heard it too many times. The problem with making such a sweeping generalization is that it gives a completely false and reductive summarization Austen’s works, as well as fostering toxic sexist notions (eg. that it would be emasculating for a male to read Austen). In actuality, Jane Austen has written some of the most feminist-fuelled, challenging, satirical, and…

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