Best Release 2018: Music

Origins by Imagine Dragons: Honesty and Transparency in Music We’ve hit the final instalment of our Best Release 2018 series and we’re coming in hot with our music album choice: Origins by Imagine Dragons. The fourth studio album by the band, Origins was released at the tail end of the year, on November 9, 2018. This album has been one of the most innovative and exciting releases in music this year for me! This new album was a relative surprise as it came out a little over a year after the band’s last album Evolve. Typically in the music world,…

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Relax & Inspire Playlist

As the days begin to get longer, the promise of springtime inspires a burst of creativity within me. These days, I’ve been painting and writing more, and what helps me in my process is to listen to music while I do so. However, I find that I can’t just put my library on shuffle, since my taste in music is vastly varied, and sometimes listening to heavy beats or louder, faster songs can be distracting. Instead, I need to listen to music that relaxes or invokes emotion in me, which aids in my creative process. So, I’ve put together a…

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Roadtrip Playlist

Over the weekend, I took a road trip with one of my friends from Montreal to New Hampshire. For anyone unfamiliar with their North American geography, that is a six-hour car ride, not including bathroom breaks. That is a long time to be stuck in a car for anyone. So, what do you do to make the time pass faster. If you’re with someone else, there’s always the option of books or magazines, but as someone who is prone to motion sickness I tend to avoid reading in cars. Instead, I prefer audiobooks. But as we all know, sometimes the…

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