‘Triple Frontier’ Reflection

At the beginning of March, Netflix released Triple Frontier, a film that has been in works since 2011, and has a star-studded cast including Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac, Charlie Hunnam, Garret Hedlund and Pedro Pascal. In my regular weekend haze of swiping through the lists of recommended movies on Netflix I was intrigued by the trailer that showed off an exciting mix between a heist and action movie. So, obviously it was my choice for my next movie night. Before starting, I was bracing myself for yet another patriotic, pro-military Hollywood production, but I was happily surprised otherwise. The film…

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Is Originality Dead?

Remakes, Franchises and Sequels: Are they worth it? We live in the era of franchise films, sequels, and remakes upon remakes (here’s looking at you, Spider-Man). While some of these sequels and remakes can be awesome, much of the time it leaves me wondering: is originality not a goal anymore? Here’s where that concept gets tricky, though. We live in a time where virtually no idea is legitimately “original” anymore. There’s so much material out there – books, films, television, and art. We are technically always using past models and structures to help us create fresh material. If you think…

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“The Greatest Showman” Unveiled

The Real History Behind P. T. Barnum and The Circus The Greatest Showman has quickly become a favourite amongst new releases in the last six months and I am in no way and exception to that. I absolutely adored the movie! How could you not? Everything from the characters, the music, the society defying love story were utterly lovable. However, despite all the feel-good feelings I got out watching it and listening to “This is Me” on repeat, I could not shake the discomfort I felt at the blatant re-writing of history going on in this movie. For any of…

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Feminism in Mad Max

Hey guys! This week, I decided to post a shortened version of an essay on Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) I wrote for a film class. The course was focused on action films, and I chose to write about the surprisingly feminist tones that Mad Max: Fury Road employed, particularly embodied in the character Imperator Furiosa. These are some of the factors that made it such an incredible film in my opinion! Give it a read and let me know what you think!  Spoiler warning: there are some spoilers for the movie so if you haven’t seen it, read at your discretion! The film…

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