New Year’s Resolutions Made Smarter

Book Review: Instant Wisdom Author: Beth Burgess                                  Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐                          ISBN: 9 780957 321731 Christmas is over and we are officially in the 2018 homestretch. And that means it’s that time of the year for New Year’s resolutions! (Woo, cue festive fanfare) I know, I know! How can you be thinking of resolutions when you’re so full from Christmas dinner that you’re dealing with brain fog? It’s a difficult one. While I’m not…

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Why Re-Reading is a Good Thing

Finding yourself in a funk? Six months into the year and forgetting all your New Year’s Resolutions? You and me both! We are officially half way through the year, and as it tends to be, most of us have fallen off our resolutions. Typical. Whether it be going to the gym, reading, eating, or creativity related, by this point in the year life just catches up to us and keeping up with those pesky resolutions seems impossible. Worse than that, trying to find the motivation for them can sometimes be even more difficult. And that’s where I am finding myself…

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