Doom Patrol: Humanizing Heroism

Doom Patrol, one of the latest TV show additions to the DC Universe, is dark, witty, and surprisingly poignant. If you haven’t heard of it, I wouldn’t be surprised: it wasn’t on my radar either until someone I knew told me to drop everything and watch it immediately.

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Birds of Prey: Worth The Watch

Let’s not mince words: the film formerly known as Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) and now known as Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey was highly anticipated, but not necessarily in a good way. It was a nervous, skeptical, I-hope-this-won’t-be-as-bad-as-Suicide-Squad kind of way. Though the trailer for DC’s Birds of Prey looked great, many (including myself) were wary, since this was precisely the mistake we made when trusting the epic-ness that was Suicide Squad‘s trailer. What resulted of the 2016 flop was a messy, disjointed, and frankly weak narrative, which was a huge disappointment considering…

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Batwoman: Challenging Traditional Gender Norms

In lieu of the exciting news that DC Comics character Batwoman will be made into a TV series (starring Ruby Rose), I hearken back to a time when I studied Greg Rucka and J.H. Williams’ graphic novel, Batwoman: Elegy (2009-2010), in university. This Batwoman edition is part of the modernized Batwoman canon (starting in 2005), in which Kate Kane (formerly Kathy) is written as a Jewish lesbian woman. Now, this depiction is incredibly important because it takes major leaps for the LGBTQIA+ community, as queer main characters are not often found, particularly in the superhero genre. Archaic gendered notions of macho…

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