Best Release 2018: Television

Black Mirror: Bandersnatch and the Future of TV This year, one of the most interesting and innovative mediums came right at the end of 2018. The highly coveted interactive film, presented under the Black Mirror brand, came Bandersnatch. Written by Black Mirror creator Charlie Brooker, viewers couldn’t wait to try out the shiny new thing – an episode that acts as a video game, a choose-your-own-adventure, and a live-action film. An ambitious piece, to say the least, I can honestly say that it was an experience to remember. Now, you might be confused as to why I’ve classified this as “television”, and there are a…

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“Black Mirror”: U.K. vs U.S.

If any of you have watched the show Black Mirror, created by Charlie Brooker, you know it’s not a show to watch when you want something light-hearted. That’s not to say it’s not incredible: in fact, I find it to be one of the most pertinent and poignant television series of our time. The concept and structure is not entirely revolutionary; in fact, it is often described as a modern day twist on The Twilight Zone, utilizing both its anthology structure and suspenseful nature. Black Mirror maintains its consistency by having one key concept at its core: it looks at…

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